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ABMA Education

About This Course

ABMA qualifications in Computing and Information Systems are structured to enhance a student’s knowledge and skills, preparing them to be able to adapt and change modern technological capacities in business.

The main aims of the ABMA qualifications in Computing and Information Systems (CIS) are to:

  • Prepare students for a range of technical, professional and management career disciplines in Computing and Information Systems by providing specialized studies that are directly relevant to individual occupations and professions in which students are currently working or in which they intend to seek employment.
  • Enable students to make an immediate contribution in employment in the IT sector.
  • Provide students with flexibility, knowledge, skills, understanding and motivation as a basis for progression to graduate and postgraduate studies.
  • Develop a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attitudes essential for successful performance in working life.

ABMA Level 3 Certificate in Computing and Information Systems

  • Holder β€œO” Level certificate
  • KCSE D (plain) and above
  • Above 16 years
  1. Database Software
  2. Introduction to Computer Programming
  3. Small Business Systems
  4. Optimize IT System Performance
  5. Business Organizations

ABMA Level 4 Diploma in Computing and Information Systems

This diploma is designed for those who wish to further their career or progress quickly onto the next ABE Level and then go onto employment.

  • Holder of β€œA” Level Certificate with 2 passes
  • KCSE Certificate with minimum grade of C-
  1. Information Systems
  2. Computer Programming
  3. Information Systems Analysis and Design
  4. Information Presentation and Analysis
  5. Web Technologies

ABMA Level 5 Diploma in Computing and Information Systems

This diploma is designed for those who wish to further their career or progress quickly onto the next ABE Level and then go onto employment.

  • ABMA Level 4 Diploma in Computing and Information Systems.
  • Any equivalent accepted by the ABMA board.
  1. Database Systems
  2. Software Development
  3. Information Systems Analysis and Design
  4. Web Applications Development
  5. E-Commerce Strategy

ABMA Level 6 Diploma in Computing and Information Systems

This qualification will develop a strategic understanding of business management principles and practical application

  • ABMA Level 5 Diploma in Computing and Information Systems.
  • Over 21 years old with a minimum of three years experience in a business context.
  1. Software Engineering, Algorithm Design and Analysis
  2. Enterprise Architecture
  3. Organizational Security
  4. IT Project Management
  5. Scalable Web and E-Commerce
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