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ABE Business Management

About This Course

Advancing Business Education (ABE)’s Business Management is a comprehensive and detailed programme which covers the knowledge and skills required in modern business practice. You will gain an appreciation of the theoretical issues involved in the study of business and you will develop a range of practical skills which will enhance your value to employers. Major topics covered in the Business Management programme include management, marketing, economics and accounting.

Assessment is done by Examination (E) or Assignment (A).

ABE Level 3 Certificate in Business Essentials​

This qualification will help prepare for a junior business role and build the foundation to progress to ABE Level 4 Diplomas.

  • Holder β€œO” Level certificate
  • KCSE C– and below
  • Above 16 years
  1. Business Essentials (E)

ABE Level 4 Foundation Diploma in Business Management

This diploma is designed for those who wish to further their career or progress quickly onto the next ABE Level and then go onto employment.

  • Holder of β€œA” Level Certificate with 2 passes
  • KCSE Certificate with minimum grade of C
  • Any Equivalent accepted by the ABE board
  1. Dynamic Business Environments (E)
  2. Enterprising Organizations (E)
  3. Employability and Self-development (A)
  4. Finance for Managers (E)
NB: to receive the Level 4 Diploma, you must complete 4 units from the Foundation Diploma & 4 units from the level 4 Diploma.

ABE Level 4 Diploma in Business Management

This diploma is designed for those who wish to further their career or progress quickly onto the next ABE Level and then go onto employment.

  • Holder of β€œA” Level Certificate with 2 passes
  • KCSE Certificate with minimum grade of C
  • Any Equivalent accepted by the ABE board
  1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship (A)
  2. Introduction to Quantitative Methods (E)
  3. Project Management (E)
  4. Dynamic and Collaborative Teams (E)

ABE Level 5 Diploma in Business Management

This qualification will develop a strategic understanding of business management principles and practical application

  • ABE Level 4 Diploma
  • Any equivalent accepted by the ABE board.
  1. Managing Agile Organisations and People (A)
  2. Innovation and Business Performance (E)
  3. Effective Financial Management (E)
  4. International Business Economics and Markets (E)
  1. Operations Management (A)
  2. Analytical Decision-making (E)
  3. Managing Stakeholder Relationships (A)
Progress onto a degree programme or continue with Level 6 Diploma in Business Management

ABE Level 6 Diploma in Business Management

This qualification aims to develop the theoretical knowledge and strategic skill set you need to excel in a leadership role.

  • ABE Level 5 Diploma
  • Over 21 years old with a minimum of three years experience in a business context
  1. Leading Strategic Change (A)
  2. Business Strategy and Decision-making (E)
  3. Developing International Markets (E)
  4. Business Ethics and Sustainability (E)
  1. Strategic Stakeholder Relationships (A)
  2. Corporate Finance (E)
  3. Advanced Project Management (E)
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