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National Tree Planting Day 2023

In response to the Kenya Gazette notice issued by the CS for Interior and National Administration designating Monday, November 13th, 2023 as National Tree Planting Day, Jaffery Institute Students (JIS) were enthusiastically led by the Student body JISA. Their energy was electric! The Students were committed to some planting Trees from their homes, and others purchasing tree seedlings ready to plant.

We planted 1 tree behind the JIPS Admin block and Students were tasked to plant Trees in their homes or join NGOs and plant in designated parks around Mombasa.

It was a warm morning but became windy and cloudy towards the end of the day. The Mombasa heat did not Stop JIPS students and Staff from participating in the Tree planting task, instead, it was a motivational factor as Trees are the main source of shade! It was an enjoyable experience for all who participated in the National Tree Planting Day.

JIPS theme was β€œOur World, Our Priority”

The day was not just about Tree planting; it was about forging connections, coming together as a community, and making a statement: β€˜Our World, Our Priority”. It is about nurturing a greener tomorrow. Each tree we planted was a symbol of hope and a commitment to preserving our environment for generations to come. It’s like we’re sowing the seeds of a better future, one tree at a time. It was a reminder that every small action we take can make a big difference in protecting our planet.

All in all, 13th November 2023 was a day full of laughter, and an infectious spirit of teamwork. We at JIPS learned that it’s all about β€œplanting the right tree at the right place”

So, here’s to National Tree Planting Day and to all the amazing Students and Staff at Jaffery Institute of Professional Studies who helped make it happen. Together, we’re making the world a greener, happier place, and that’s something to celebrate!

#TreePlantingFun #GreenTeam #HappyTreePlantingDay #JIPSMombasa #Kenya #ExcellenceEveryWay